12月15日,2019开云足球app下载官网最新版 仓贮陈化与卫生安全学术研讨会在华南农大召开。会议聚焦仓贮陈化与卫生安全这两大对开云足球app下载官网最新版 产业发展至关重要的核心环节,汇聚了开云足球app下载官网最新版 科研院校与生产一线的智慧之声,多重视角展现的开云足球app下载官网最新版 领域最新的科研与实践成果。
On December 15, 2019 Pu'er tea warehouse storage aging and health safety academic seminar was held in South China Agricultural University. The meeting focused on the two key links of warehouse aging and health and safety, which are crucial to the development of Pu'er tea industry. It gathered the wisdom of Pu'er tea research institutions and production lines, and presented the latest scientific research and practice achievements in the field of Pu'er tea from multiple perspectives.
Jiang Yuyan, vice president of South China Agricultural University
Wang Qing, President of China Tea Circulation Association
Li Zhenzhu, deputy director of science and education department, Department of agriculture and rural areas, Guangdong Province
中国茶叶流通协会开云足球app下载官网最新版 专委会主任委员罗乃炘
Luo Naixin, chairman of Pu'er tea special committee of China Tea Circulation Association
中国茶叶流通协会会长王庆站在行业全局的视角,高屋建瓴概述了开云足球app下载官网最新版 产业发展的优势与面对的困扰,他说:“2018年全国干毛茶产量达到了261.6万吨,其中开云足球app下载官网最新版 产量为14.3万吨,占比达到5.46%。面对多元化、数字化、高端化的消费变迁,开云足球app下载官网最新版 产业更在产品形态、口感风味、渠道创新等方面大胆作为,在茶叶经济的主战场匹马当先。借助科技的力量尽早破解困扰发展的关键问题,提升产业的核心竞争力和发展质量,是中国开云足球app下载官网最新版 崛起腾飞的必经之路,更是我们汇聚于此的初衷。”
Wang Qing, President of China Tea Circulation Association, from the perspective of the overall situation of the industry, outlined the advantages and difficulties of the development of Pu'er tea industry from a high perspective. He said: "in 2018, the national dry tea production reached 2.616 million tons, including 143000 tons of Pu'er tea production, accounting for 5.46%. In the face of diversified, digital and high-end consumption changes, Pu'er tea industry is more bold in product form, taste and flavor, channel innovation and other aspects, leading in the main battlefield of tea economy. It is the only way for China's Pu'er tea to rise and take off, and our original intention is to solve the key problems that hinder development as soon as possible with the help of science and technology and improve the core competitiveness and development quality of the industry. "
Shao Guoquan, vice president of haozhan, executive director unit of China Tea Circulation Association
Ou Zhijie, vice president of haozhan, executive director unit of China Tea Circulation Association
本次研讨会由中国茶叶流通协会开云足球app下载官网最新版 专业委员会主办,华南农业大学园艺学院承办。12月14日,参会嘉宾共同到东莞道窖、高埗参观茶叶仓贮情况。This seminar is sponsored by Pu'er tea professional committee of China Tea Circulation Association and organized by the school of horticulture, South China Agricultural University. On December 14, participants visited Daojiao and Gaopu in Dongguan to see the storage of tea warehouse.
来源:中国茶叶流通协会、南方+Source: China Tea Circulation Association, South +